International Seminar on Aircraft RestorationFriday December 4th, 2020Aviation Museum Society Finland and the Finnish Aviation Museum arrange an international seminar on aircraft restoration on Friday 4.12.2020 as a webinar by using the Microsoft Teams application. This seminar is a continuation of the topics introduced in last year’s seminar on moving historical aircraft. This year speakers have been invited from Norway, Great Britain, United States, Sweden and Finland. Seminar information and registration More information about presentations on 4.12.2020. Programme 9.00 Opening of the seminar, Chairman Janne Salonen, Aviation Museum Society Finland 9.15 VL Myrsky II restoration project, Project Director Janne Salonen, VL Myrsky II restoration project 10.00 The conservation of the Brewster 239 BW-372 and the Hawker Hurricane I HC-452. Conservator f Harri Huopainen, The Finnish Air Force Museum 11.00 The Messerschmitt Bf 109 restoration. Conservator Michael Loftus, The National Norwegian Aviation Museum 12.00 Break for lunch 13.00 RAF Museum: Behind the Scenes at the Royal Air Force Museum, Manager Darren Priday, Michael Beetham Conservation Centre 14.00 The Saab B 18 restoration. Project Director & Deputy Director Torsten Nilsson, The Swedish Air Force Museum 15.00 Break 15.15 The restoration of the Caudron-Renault C.R.714 CA-556, Project Manager Jakub Link-Lenczowski, The Polish Aviation Museum 16.00 The Miracle on the Hudson project, Vice President of Education and Collections Katie Swaringer, Carolinas Aviation Museum 17.00 Topic still open 18.00 Closing of the seminar Saturday December 5th, 2020This seminar is continuation of the seminar on the previous day, but it is an independent event. The topics and presentations are not the same as on the day before. The topics are domestic, and the presentations are in Finnish. Seminar information and registration More information about presentations on 5.12.2020 (only in Finnish) Ohjelma rajoittuu lauantai-iltapäivään: 13.00 Seminaarin avaus puheenjohtaja Janne Salonen, Ilmailumuseoyhdistys ry 13.05 Ilma-alusten konservointia Ilmailumuseoyhdistyksen Tiistaikerhossa, projektipäällikkö Lassi Karivalo, Ilmailumuseoyhdistys14.00 Douglas DC-2 DO-1 Hanssin-Jukka -matkustajakoneen entisöinti, Juha Suonperä, Ilmasotakoulun Kilta ry 15.00 VL Myrsky II MY-14:n entisöinti entisöijän silmin, projektipäällikkö Matti Patteri, VL Myrsky II -entisöintiprojekti 16.00 Seminaari päättyy |